Review of Q Sciences

This Business Entity – Q Sciences Review

The company in question has a great reputation and has been around for some time. It is well-established and known for its quality products and services. The company is respected in the industry as a reliable and trustworthy provider of goods and services.

In 2016, Darren Hogge was recognized as the founder, president, and CEO of Q Sciences.

At present, there is no mention of the organizational profile of Q Sciences on their website.

Marc Wilson was credited as the founder and managing executive director of the company on its business opportunity website.

The current status of Darren Hogge’s involvement with Q Sciences is unknown, as there is no mention of him.

We were unable to find any information on whether he had left or the reason why.

Marc Wilson is a co-founder and the managing executive director of a company. He has a lot of experience in the industry.

Former NFL player Marc Wilson is given recognition for his accomplishments.

Wilson divulged this in an interview with the Herald Extra in 2017

After he retired from the NFL, he returned to Seattle and began a career in real estate development.

He gave up around 2010 and mentioned that he had taken up “the retired golf course thing.” However, he noted, “after a mere six months, he grew bored.” One day in 2011, while driving home from the golf course, he had an enlightening revelation.

 ‘Is this going to be my life from now on?’ I asked myself. I’m still fairly young, after all.”

2011 saw Wilson join Minerva Worldwide as the Chief Financial Officer.

Ultimately, I was unable to ascertain an exact date for the demise of Minerva Worldwide.

In 2013, Marc Wilson and Darren Hogge established Q Sciences together.

Products from Q Sciences – q sciences products review

Q Sciences is in the business of health and nutritional MLM. Q Sciences offers a comprehensive selection of products, which can be found in their catalog featured on their website.

Changes to prices and product ranges have been made, such as the expansion of the pet line, but not to the extent that an updated list is necessary.

The current prices can be found on the Q Sciences website or through q sciences review.

A Plan for Remuneration from Q Sciences

The Q Sciences compensation model provides a framework for earning payments. It has been crafted to be beneficial for those who take part in the program.

Q Sciences offers their affiliates both one-time and ongoing commissions.

An incentive is available to all sixteen Q Sciences affiliates, regardless of rank.

Conditions for Being Awarded Commissions in MLM

Affiliates of Q Sciences must buy at least 100 PV worth of products every month to get paid.

Ranks of Affiliates of Q Sciences

According to our q sciences review, Q Sciences offers various ranks for its affiliates, depending on their level of achievement. The ranks progress from the basic level to the highest level, with each rank requiring a certain amount of sales and recruiting. Affiliates get rewards and recognition for moving up in ranks, and they also get access to more benefits.

Q Sciences has a total of sixteen distinct affiliate levels in its remuneration program.

The qualifications needed to accompany these criteria are listed below:

  • Builder – create and keep up with 100 PV a month, maintain two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 300 GV a month   
  • Pro – sustain 100 PV a month, have at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 600 GV a month
  • Executive – sustain 100 PV a month, keep two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 1500 GV a month·         
  • Elite – sustain 100 PV a month, keep two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 4500 GV a month
  • Bronze – sustain 100 PV a month, keep two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 10,000 GV a month
  • Silver – produce and maintain 200 PV a month, maintain at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 25,000 GV a month
  • Gold – sustain 200 PV a month, sustain at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 50,000 GV a month
  • Platinum – maintain 200 PV a month, keep two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 100,000 GV a month
  • Ruby – keep up with 200 PV a month, maintain at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 200,000 GV a month
  • Emerald – maintain 200 PV a month, maintain at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 350,000 GV a month
  • Diamond – sustain 200 PV a month, keep two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 500,000 GV a month
  • Blue Diamond – sustain 200 PV a month, preserve two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 750,000 GV a month
  • Black Diamond – maintain 200 PV a month, maintain at least two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 1,000,000 GV a month
  • Royal Diamond – sustain 200 PV a month, maintain two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 1,500,000 GV a month
  • Presidential Diamond – keep up with 200 PV a month, maintain two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 2,000,000 GV a month
  • Crown Diamond – maintain 200 PV a month, maintain two commission-qualified affiliates, and generate 3,000,000 GV a month

“Personal Volume” or PV is the number of sales generated through direct sales to customers and purchases by the affiliate themselves (including auto-shipments).

The acronym “GV” stands for Group Volume, which is the combined Personal Volume (PV) accrued by any affiliate’s downline.

It is important to bear in mind that the following limitations associated with GV quotas must be observed:

  • From Builder to Executive, the total GV can be sourced from any one uni-level leg up to 60%.
  • For Elite to Bronze, the percentage is 50%.
  • Silver and higher tiers may source up to 40% from a single uni-level leg.       

Earnings from Retailing

According to our q sciences review, Different forms of remuneration can be attained through retailing, and commissions are among them. Commissions are income based on the value of the goods or services sold and are typically given to a salesperson or representative for the company. The amount of commission earned is typically determined before the sale and is typically a percentage of the final sale amount.

Retail commissions earned by Q Sciences each month are based on total sales volume.

  • A retail commission rate of 15% is applicable for orders between 1 and 500 GV.
  • For purchases between 501 and 1000 GV, the commission rate increases to 20%.
  • For any order of 1001 GV or more, the retail commission rate is 25%.

Remaining commissions can be gained through sales that have been made in the past. This type of income is referred to as residual commissions.

Q Sciences utilizes a uni-level system to monitor those below them in their downline, yet the residual payments are based on their rank.

  • Builders receive a monthly salary of $50
  • Pros get a salary of $100 each month
  • Executives are paid $250 a month
  • Elites collect $750 per month
  • Bronzes make $1700 a month
  • Silvers earn $4000 a month
  • Golds make $8000 a month
  • Platinum are given a salary of $15,000 each month
  • Rubys get $25,000 per month
  • Emeralds take home $45,000 a month
  • Diamonds are given a salary of $65,000 each month
  • Blue Diamonds make $90,000 a month
  • Black Diamonds are provided a salary of $120,000 monthly
  • Royal Diamonds make $160,000 a month
  • Presidential Diamonds bring home $220,000 per month
  • Crown Diamonds make $350,000 a month    

Bonus for Achieving Ranking

As an incentive, Q Sciences gives affiliates a single Rank Achievement Bonus when they reach a certain level: According to our q sciences review.

  • Builder – The cost for this category is $100
  • Pro – The cost for this tier is $200
  • Executive – The cost for this level is $500
  • Elite – This level has a cost of $1000
  • Bronze – The fee for this one is $2000
  • Silver – The price for this is $4000
  • Gold – This one has a cost of $8000
  • Platinum – This tier has a fee of $15,000·         
  • Ruby – This level is priced at $25,000
  • Emerald – The cost of this tier is $45,000
  • Diamond – The price for this is $60,000
  • Blue Diamond – This one is priced at $75,000
  • Black Diamond – The fee for this one is $100,000
  • Royal Diamond – This tier has a cost of $130,000
  • Presidential Diamond – The price for this is $175,000
  • Crown Diamond – The fee for this level is $250,000

It is important to be aware that other deadlines have to be met to qualify:

  • Bonuses for Builder, Pro, and Executive ranks are only paid if they are attained by an affiliate within 30 days
  • For Elite to Platinum ranks, the Rank Achievement Bonus is only activated if they are kept for two consecutive months
  • To activate the Rank Achievement Bonus for Ruby and higher, they must be held for three months consecutively.

Becoming a Member of Q Sciences

Joining Q Sciences is an option for those looking to become a part of the organization. Becoming a member of the company entails many benefits that can be experienced upon joining.

Q Sciences states that an affiliate membership fee is $79.95 on their business opportunity website.

Upon clicking “Join as an Ambassador” on the Q Sciences website, I was presented with a selection of Ambassador Packs ranging in price from $125 to $435.

Q Sciences Review Conclusion

To conclude, it can be said that…

Q Sciences has implemented a commission rate that decreases for increasing retail volume to boost retail sales, however, it is abundantly manifest that the company’s principal activity is recruiting affiliates through auto-shipment.

In 2016, the idea of recruiting through auto-ship was a worry that was brought up in our review. Fast forward to 2018, though, and it has become a key part of Q Sciences’ operations.

Q Sciences’ requirements to become a “Qualified Ambassador” start with:

Active Representative: An individual who secures a minimum order of 100 PV regularly each month.

Certain MLM models that are considered more dubious rely on retail volume to meet a specified PV quota monthly. Q Sciences, on the other hand, do away with the facade, and simply necessitates their associates to order every month to be qualified to receive commissions.

Orders can be manually placed over the month or, more often, will just be a minimum of 100 PV for the month’s auto-shipment.

At first glance, this appears to be “pay to play”, but a more intense look reveals that it promotes affiliates to ignore selling to customers and instead concentrate on enrolling 100 PV-month auto-ship affiliates.

The remuneration plan is not doing much to help, as it assigns a fixed salary to each affiliate rank each month.

You will be allotted a certain amount of GV every month, which is mainly comprised of the orders from affiliates that are in your downline.

The vast majority of profits for the company stem from affiliates, meaning that a product-based pyramid system is in effect.

Q Sciences could fix its compliance issues by no longer forcing affiliates to order and by requiring the achievement of a minimum of 50% retail volume for each rank.

In its present circumstance, the risks of governmental regulation have been exposed for both the organization and its subsidiaries.

Irrespective of any subsidiary matters regarding involvement and encouragement of pyramid schemes.

Hope you have found q sciences review helpful with a lot of information.

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